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1. closure是指结束、关闭或终止的意思。它可以指某个活动、或过程的结束,也可以指某个地方、建筑物或的关闭。:The closure of the factory led to many job losses. (工厂的关闭导致了许多失业。)

2. closure也可以用作法律术语,表示一项法律程序或案件的结论。:The court announced the closure of the case. (宣布了该案件的结论。)

3. 在心理学中,closure指人类大脑通过填补信息缺失来形成完整图像的过程。:Our brains use closure to make sense of incomplete visual information. (我们的大脑利用闭合来理解不完整的视觉信息。)


1. closure读音为[kloh-zher],重音在第一音节。

2. 在英式英语中,closure也可读作[kloh-zhuh]。

3. 闭合(close)和结局(conclusion)是closure的近义词。


1. The government announced the closure of all non-essential businesses due to the pandemic.


2. The school's closure for renovations caused inconvenience for students and teachers.


3. The closure of the highway resulted in heavy traffic and delays.


4. The closure of the case brought justice to the victim's family.


5. The therapist helped her find closure after the traumatic event.



1. sense of closure (心理平衡)

2. factory closure (工厂关闭)

3. legal closure (法律结论)

4. road closure (道路封闭)

5. emotional closure (情感上的解脱)


1. The closure of the company left many employees without jobs.


2. 工厂的关闭导致了许多失业。

3. Our brains use closure to make sense of incomplete visual information.


4. 我们的大脑通过闭合来理解不完整的视觉信息。

5. The therapist helped her find closure after the traumatic event.


6. 治疗师帮助她在创伤后找到了解脱。




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