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body and soul是什么意思

一:body and soul是什么意思的意思

body and soul是什么意思

body and soul是一个常用的短语,通常用来表示一个人全身心投入或全心投入的状态。它可以指某人对某件事情或某个活动的投入程度,也可以指某人对生活的态度和状态。




1. 表示全身心投入


- She is dancing with body and soul, completely lost in the music.


- He put his body and soul into the project, working tirelessly day and night.


2. 表示生活态度和状态

此外,body and soul也可以指一个人对生活的态度和状态。:

- She is a strong woman who has faced many challenges in life with body and soul.


- He has a pure and kind soul, always treating others with love and compassion.



1. She poured her heart and soul into the performance, delivering a stunning show for the audience.(她全情投入表演,为观众呈现了一场精彩的演出。)

2. The artist painted with body and soul, creating a masterpiece that captured the essence of his emotions.(艺术家用全身心地绘画,创作出一幅捕捉到他情感本质的杰作。)

3. He dedicated his life to serving others, giving his body and soul to those in need.(他将生命奉献给为他人服务,把全身心都给那些需要帮助的人。)

4. She fought for her dreams with body and soul, never giving up despite all the obstacles she faced.(她全力为梦想而战,尽管面临重重困难也从未放弃。)

5. The team worked together with body and soul to achieve their goal, supporting each other every step of the way.(团队齐心协力实现目标,在每个阶段都相互支持、共同努力。)


1. Heart and soul

与body and soul意思相同,都指全身心投入或状态。:

- She put her heart and soul into the charity event, helping to raise a significant amount of money.


- He is a dedicated teacher who teaches with heart and soul, inspiring his students to learn.(他是一位敬业的老师,用全身心地教学,激发学生的学习兴趣。)

2. Mind and body


- It's important to take care of both your mind and body for overall well-being.


- Yoga is a great way to connect the mind and body, promoting relaxation and inner peace.


3. Heart and mind

与mind and body类似,也强调身体和之间的平衡,但更侧重于内心感受和思想。:

- She made the decision with both her heart and mind, considering both her emotions and rationality.


- To be successful, you need to have a strong heart and mind, able to overcome challenges and setbacks.(要成功,你需要有坚强的内心和头脑,能够克服挑战和挫折。)


body and soul是一个常用的短语,通常用来表示全身心投入或状态。它可以指某人对某件事情或某个活动的投入程度,也可以指某人对生活的态度和状态。除了与heart and soul、mind and body、heart and mind等短语含义相似外,它还有一些其他同义词,如wholeheartedly、with all one's heart等。使用时需根据具体语境选择合适的表达方式。


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