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1. charged的意思是充电或充能。指物体或设备通过外部电源获得电能,使其具备运行或工作的能力。

2. charged的意思是tʃɑːdʒd,读音为/tʃɑːdʒd/。重音在第一个音节上。

3. charged的意思是被控告或被指控。指某人被、或其他正式指控犯有行为。


1) He was charged with murder and was facing a life sentence.

2) The police have charged the suspect with theft.

3) The company's CEO has been charged with fraud.

4) She was charged with speeding and had to pay a fine.

5) The politician was charged with corruption and resigned from his position.

4. charged的意思是充满或充斥。指某物具有强烈的情感、能量或气息。


1) The atmosphere in the room was charged with excitement and anticipation.

2) His voice was filled with a charged anger as he spoke about the injustice he had faced.

3) The air was electrically charged before the storm hit.

4) Her words were emotionally charged, causing everyone in the room to be moved to tears.

5) The performance was so emotionally charged that it left the audience speechless.

5. charged的意思是收费。指收取金钱作为某项服务、产品或活动的费用。


1) We were shocked by how much they had charged us for such a simple meal.

2) The hotel charged us extra for using the mini bar in our room.

3) The museum charges a small fee for guided tours.

4) They charged a hefty amount for the concert tickets.

5) The repair shop charged me an arm and a leg for fixing my car.

6. charged的意思是激动或兴奋。指某人或某物具有强烈的情感或能量,通常带有积极的意义。


1) She was charged with enthusiasm as she talked about her upcoming trip.

2) The team was charged with determination to win the championship.

3) His speech was so powerful that it left everyone in the audience feeling charged and motivated.

4) The students were charged with excitement as they prepared for their school's annual talent show.

5) The atmosphere at the concert was electrically charged, with everyone singing and dancing along to the music.


1. overcharged (收费过高的)

2. rechargeable (可充电的)

3. discharge (放电)

4. supercharged (超级充电的,引申为非常激动的)

5. charger (充电器)


1. 充电/充能 - charge

2. 被控告/被指控 - be charged

3. 充满/充斥 - be filled with/charged with

4. 收费 - charge/fee

5. 激动/兴奋 - be charged with/excited



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