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1. 名词用法:

a. 表示空白处或空格,在文档编辑或打印时常用。:

- Please fill in the blanks with your personal information.(请在空白处填写您的个人信息。)

- The form has several blanks for you to fill in.(这份表格有几个空格需要您填写。)

b. 表示一片未被占用的地区或领域,在或上常用。:

- The enemy has left a blank in the defense line.(敌人在防线上留下了一片空隙。)

- This country has a blank on its western border.(这个在西部有一片未被占领的地区。)

2. 形容词用法:

a. 表示没有内容或信息的,在文档编辑或打印时常用。:

- The page is intentionally left blank.(此页故意留白。)

- The document is still blank, please fill in the necessary information.(这份文件还是空白的,请填写必要的信息。)

b. 表示茫然的、无表情的,在描述人的心情或表现时常用。:

- He stared at me with a blank expression.(他面无表情地盯着我。)

- She just sat there, her mind completely blank.(她只是坐在那里,脑子一片空白。)

3. 动词用法:


- Please blank out your name and address on the form before submitting it.(请在提交表格前把您的姓名和涂掉。)

- The students were asked to blank their minds and focus on the task at hand.(老师让学生们把思绪放空,专注于手头的任务。)


1. The crossword puzzle has many blanks for you to fill in with words.


2. The artist left a large blank space in the middle of the painting.


3. After the accident, she couldn't remember anything and her mind was completely blank.


4. Can you please blank out all the sensitive information before sending me this document?


5. The therapist asked the patient to blank their mind and focus on their breathing.



1. space:名词,表示空间或空白处,与blank的意思相似。:

- There is not enough space on this form for me to write my address.(这张表格上没有足够的空间让我写下我的。)

- Please leave a space between each word when filling in the form.(填写表格时,请在每个单词之间留出一些空白。)

2. empty:形容词,表示空的或无内容的,与blank的意思相近。:

- The room was completely empty when we entered.(我们进入时房间是完全空的。)

- She handed in an empty test paper with nothing written on it.(她交了一张什么也没写的试卷。)

3. vacant:形容词,表示未被占用的或无人居住的,在描述地区或岗位时常用。:

- There is a vacant lot next to my house, I hope they will build a park there.(我家旁边有一块未被占用的地段,希望他们能在那里建个公园。)

- The company has several vacant positions, you can apply if you're interested.(公司有几个空缺的职位,如果您有兴趣可以申请。)




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