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用法:常用于“bestir oneself”结构中,表示“振作起来;使自己忙碌起来”。


例句1:He bestirred himself and got to work on the project.(他振作起来,开始着手这个项目。)

例句2:The villagers bestirred themselves to prepare for the upcoming festival.(村民们开始忙碌起来为即将到来的节日做准备。)

例句3:She finally bestirred herself after days of lying in bed with the flu.(她终于在连续几天的流感卧床后振作起来了。)

例句4:The students bestirred themselves to organize a charity event for the local community.(学生们开始忙碌起来为当地社区组织一场慈善活动。)

例句5:The government needs to bestir itself and take action to address the pressing issue of pollution.(需要振作起来采取行动解决迫在眉睫的污染问题。)


1. stir up: 意为“激励;唤醒;引发”。常用于“stir up someone/something”结构中,表示“激励某人/某事物”。

例句:The coach's motivational speech stirred up the team and they won the game.(教练的激励演讲激励了球队,他们赢得了比赛。)

2. rouse: 意为“唤醒;激起;鼓舞”。常用于“rouse someone”结构中,表示“唤醒某人”。

例句:The loud noise finally roused him from his deep sleep.(巨大的噪音最终将他从沉睡中唤醒。)

3. animate: 意为“使活跃;使有生气”。常用于“animate someone/something”结构中,表示“使某人/某事物有生气”。

例句:Her enthusiasm animated the whole team and they achieved great success.(她的热情激发了整个团队,他们取得了巨大的成功。)

编辑总结:bestir是一个动词,常用于“bestir oneself”结构中,表示“振作起来;使自己忙碌起来”。它可以用来形容一个人从沉闷或懒散状态中振作起来,并开始积极行动。在写作时,可以考虑使用其同义词来增加表达的多样性。


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