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Besides [bɪˈsaɪdz]



1. 作为副词使用时,Besides常放在句首或者句尾。放在句首时,通常与逗号隔开;放在句尾时,通常与分号隔开。

例:Besides, I have a lot of work to do today.

例:I have a lot of work to do today; besides, I need to prepare for tomorrow's meeting.

2. 作为介词使用时,Besides后面接名词或者代词作宾语。

例:Besides the main course, we also ordered some appetizers.

例:I don't have any other plans besides going to the gym.

3. 除了以上两种用法外,Besides还可以用来引出一个并列的原因或者解释。

例:She didn't show up for the meeting because she was sick. Besides, she had already submitted her report.

例:He is not only smart but also hard-working. Besides, he is also very humble.

4. 当表示“除了...之外”时,可以与except for互换使用。

例:I don't have any hobbies besides reading.

例:I don't have any hobbies except for reading.


1. Besides the fact that she is my boss, she is also my mentor. (除了她是我的老板,她还是我的导师。)

2. I have a lot of work to do today; besides, I need to prepare for tomorrow's meeting. (今天我有很多工作要做,此外,我还需要为明天的做准备。)

3. Besides playing the piano, she also enjoys painting. (除了弹钢琴,她也喜欢绘画。)

4. He is not only smart but also hard-working. Besides, he is also very humble. (他不仅聪明而且勤奋,此外,他也非常谦虚。)

5. I don't have any other plans besides going to the gym. (除了去健身房之外,我没有其他计划。)


1. In addition/Additionally: 表示额外的信息或者补充说明。

例:In addition to studying, she also works part-time.

例:I have a lot of work to do today; additionally, I need to prepare for tomorrow's meeting.

2. Moreover: 用来表示更进一步的信息或者补充说明。

例:Moreover, he has a great sense of humor.

例:He is not only smart but moreover hard-working.

3. Furthermore: 表示与前面提到的内容相关的另一件事情。

例:She loves reading books; furthermore, she enjoys writing as well.

例:He is not only a great athlete but furthermore an excellent student.


Besides是一个常用的副词和介词,表示除此之外,此外,另外。在句子中常用来引出额外的信息或者补充说明。除了以上的用法外,它还可以用来引出并列的原因或者解释。同义词包括in addition, additionally, moreover, furthermore等。在使用时需要注意前后语境,避免重复使用,使句子更加流畅。


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