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because of是什么意思

一:because of是什么意思的意思:

because of是什么意思

because of是一个介词短语,用来表示某个事物或情况导致另一个事物或情况发生。它可以表达原因、理由、动机等含义,常用于句子的中间或结尾。


/bɪˈkɔːz əv/


1. 作为介词,连接两个名词或名词短语,表示原因、理由、动机等。:“She couldn't come to the party because of her busy schedule.”(她因为工作繁忙无法参加派对。)

2. 可以与“to”连用,表示“由于”,强调结果。:“He was late for work because of the heavy traffic.”(他因为交通拥堵而迟到上班。)

3. 在句子末尾时,可以与“that”连用,表示强调原因。:“I didn't go to the concert, because of the fact that I was sick.”(我没有去听音乐会,因为我生病了这个事实。)


1. She failed the exam because of her laziness. (她因为懒惰而考试不及格。)

2. He couldn't focus on his work because of the noise outside. (外面的噪音让他无法专心工作。)

3. Because of the heavy rain, the match was postponed. (由于大雨,比赛被推迟了。)

4. She was unable to attend the meeting because of her business trip. (她因为出差无法参加。)

5. The flight was delayed because of the bad weather. (航班因为恶劣天气而延误。)


1. due to:表示原因、理由,与because of意思相近,但更正式。:“The meeting was cancelled due to bad weather.”(由于天气不好,被取消了。)

2. owing to:也表示原因、理由,语气更强烈,偏正式。:“Owing to his dishonesty, he lost his job.”(由于他的不诚实,他丢掉了工作。)

3. on account of:也表示原因、理由,偏正式。:“On account of his illness, he couldn't attend the party.”(因为他生病了,他无法参加派对。)


“because of”是一个常用的介词短语,在表达原因、理由时使用频率较高,在日常交流中也经常被使用到。除了以上提到的同义词外,还可以根据具体语境选择其他表达方式来替换“because of”,以避免重复使用该短语。在写作时,也可以尝试使用其他表达方式来丰富句子,使文章更加生动有趣。


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