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be inspired by是什么意思

一:be inspired by是什么意思的意思:

be inspired by是什么意思

be inspired by是一个英语短语,意为“受到...的启发/激励”。其中,be为动词be的原形,inspired为动词inspire的过去分词形式,by为介词,表示受到影响/启发的来源。该短语通常用于表达某人受到某事物、人或情感等的影响,从而产生了某种想法、行为或创作等。


be inspired by的音标为/biː ɪnˈspaɪəd baɪ/。


be inspired by可用于两种结构中:

1. be inspired by + 名词:表示受到某物的启发。:She was inspired by the beauty of nature.(她受大自然之美的启发。)

2. be inspired by + 动名词:表示受到某种情感或行为的激励。:I am always inspired by her hard work and determination.(我总是被她的努力和决心所激励。)


1. She was inspired by her grandmother's strength and resilience in the face of adversity.(她被她祖母在逆境中展现出来的坚强和韧性所激励。)

2. The artist was inspired by the vibrant colors of the sunset and created a beautiful painting.(这位艺术家受到夕阳绚丽的色彩所启发,创作出了一幅美丽的画作。)

3. I am always inspired by my favorite author's writing style and try to emulate it in my own work.(我总是被我最喜爱的作家的写作风格所激励,并努力在自己的作品中模仿。)

4. The team was inspired by their coach's motivational speech and went on to win the championship.(这支球队受到教练激励性演讲的启发,最终赢得了冠。)

5. As a designer, I am constantly inspired by different cultures and incorporate them into my designs.(作为一名设计师,我时常受到不同文化的启发,并将其融入我的设计中。)


1. be influenced by:与be inspired by意思相近,表示某人受到某物/人/情感等的影响。

2. be motivated by:表示某人受到某种动机或目标所激励。

3. be moved by:表示某人被某事物所感动。

4. be stimulated by:表示某人受到某种刺激或鼓舞。

5. be encouraged by:表示某人受到鼓励或支持。


be inspired by是一个常用的英语短语,意为“受到...的启发/激励”。它可以用于表达某人受到某事物、人或情感等的影响,从而产生了某种想法、行为或创作等。在使用时,需要注意其后接名词或动名词作宾语,并且be inspired by与同义词之间有细微的区别。希望本文能够帮助你更好地理解和运用be inspired by这个短语。


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