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be certain of是什么意思

一:be certain of是什么意思的意思

be certain of是一个英语短语,意为“确信,有把握”。其中,be是动词“是”的形式,certain是形容词“确定的”或副词“肯定地”的意思,of是介词,“关于”。


be [bi], certain ['sɜːtən], of [əv]

be certain of是什么意思


be certain of可用作及物动词短语或形容词短语。作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语;作形容词时,后接名词作补足语。


1. I am certain of his success in the exam.(我确信他会在考试中成功。)

2. She is not certain of the answer.(她不确定答案。)

3. He is certain of his decision to quit his job.(他对辞职的决定很有把握。)

4. We are not certain of the outcome yet.(我们还不确定结果。)

5. Are you absolutely certain of your choice?(你对自己的选择非常有把握吗?)


1. be sure about/of: 意为“对...有把握”,多与of连用。

例句:I am sure about/of my decision.

2. be confident about/in: 意为“对...有信心”,多与in连用。

例句:She is confident about/in her ability to finish the project.

3. be convinced of: 意为“被...说服,相信”,常用于被动语态。

例句:I am convinced of his innocence.

4. be positive about: 意为“对...有信心,肯定”,常用于肯定句。

例句:He is positive about his chances of winning the competition.


be certain of是一个常用的英语短语,意为“确信,有把握”。它可以作及物动词或形容词使用,表示对某件事情十分确定。除了以上提到的同义词外,还可以根据具体语境使用其他近义短语来表达相同的意思。在写作中,我们可以灵活运用这些同义词来丰富表达方式,使文章更加生动有力。


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