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1. 作为名词:

a. 指酒吧:指供应酒类饮料的场所。:

- Let's go to the bar and have a drink.(我们去酒吧喝一杯吧。)

- The bar is crowded tonight.(今晚酒吧很拥挤。)

b. 指条、杆、棒:指长而细的物体。:

- He used a metal bar to break the window.(他用一根金属条砸碎了窗户。)

- The monkey was swinging from bar to bar in the zoo.(猴子在动物园里从一根杆子荡到另一根杆子。)

c. 指障碍物:指阻挡或限制行动的物体或情况。:

- The high fence is a bar to our escape.(高高的围栏是我们逃脱的障碍。)

- Language barrier is a big bar for communication between people from different countries.(语言障碍是不同人之间交流的一大障碍。)

d. 指音乐小节:指音乐中的一小段,通常由几拍组成。:

- The song has a catchy bar that everyone can sing along to.(这首歌有一个容易让人跟唱的小节。)

2. 作为动词:

a. 指阻止、:指阻止或限制某人做某事。:

- The security guard barred us from entering the building.(保安拒绝我们进入建筑物。)

- Smoking is barred in most public places now.(现在大多数公共场所吸烟。)


1. I always go to the same bar every Friday night after work.


2. The gymnast gracefully swung from bar to bar during her performance.


3. Lack of experience was a major bar to his promotion.


4. The singer forgot the lyrics in the middle of the second bar.


5. The bouncer barred the drunk man from entering the club.



1. pub:指供应酒类饮料的场所,与bar意思相同。:

- Let's go to the pub and have a drink.


2. rod:指比bar更细的长条状物体,通常用来钓鱼或支撑物体。:

- He caught a big fish with his fishing rod.


3. obstacle:指阻碍或限制行动的事物,与bar意思相同。:

- The obstacle in front of us seems insurmountable.


4. measure:指音乐中的一小段,与bar意思相同。:

- The song has a catchy measure that everyone can sing along to.


5. prohibit:指阻止、,与bar作为动词时意思相同。:

- Smoking is prohibited in most public places now.





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