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back on是什么意思

一:back on是什么意思的意思

back on是一个短语,意为“重新开始做某事”,也可以表示“回到原来的状态”。它通常用于描述某人或某事物重新开始做某件事情,或者恢复到之前的状态。

back on是什么意思


back on的读音为/bæk ɒn/,其中第一个单词back发音为/bæk/,第二个单词on发音为/ɒn/。在英式英语中,on的发音可能会略有不同,读作/ɒn/。


1. back on + 动词原形:表示重新开始做某件事情。

- After a long break, she is finally back on track with her studies.(经过长时间的休息后,她终于重新开始学习了。)

- The company is back on its feet after facing financial difficulties.(公司在经历了财务困难后又恢复了正常运营。)

2. be back on + 名词:表示恢复到之前的状态。

- The weather has improved, and the city is back on its usual routine.(天气变好了,这座城市又回到了平常的节奏。)

- After the power outage, the electricity is finally back on.(停电后,电力终于恢复正常了。)

3. get back on + 名词:表示重新开始做某件事情或恢复到之前的状态。

- She was sick for a while, but now she is getting back on her feet.(她生病了一段时间,但现在正在恢复中。)

- It took him a while to get back on his game after the injury.(受伤后,他花了一些时间才恢复到以前的状态。)

4. be back on + 介词短语:表示回到某个地方或状态。

- After traveling for months, he is finally back on home soil.(旅行了几个月后,他终于回到了家乡。)

- The project is back on track after some major setbacks.(经历了一些重大挫折后,这个项目又回到了正轨。)

5. back on one's feet:表示恢复健康或重新开始做某件事情。

- After being sick for weeks, she is finally back on her feet and ready to go back to work.(生病几周后,她终于康复并准备回去工作。)

- The company has been struggling, but now it's back on its feet again.(公司一直在挣扎,但现在又恢复正常运营了。)


1. After taking a break from acting, the famous actress is finally back on the big screen.


2. The team had a rough start, but they are back on track and ready to win the championship.


3. After a long hiatus, the band is back on tour and their fans couldn't be happier.


4. The power went out for a few hours, but now it's back on and we can continue working.


5. After struggling with depression for years, he finally got back on his feet and started living his life again.



1. resume:表示恢复做某件事情或回到之前的状态。

- After the storm passed, the city resumed its normal activities.(风暴过后,这座城市恢复了正常活动。)

- She took a break from her studies but resumed them after a few months.(她休息学业一段时间后又重新开始学习了。)

2. get back to:表示重新开始做某件事情。

- After the meeting, I'll get back to work.(开完会后,我会重新开始工作。)

- He promised to get back to me with an answer by the end of the day.(他答应今天结束前给我一个答复。)

3. restart:表示重新开始或恢复。

- The computer crashed, so I had to restart it.(电脑崩溃了,所以我不得不重新启动它。)

- After a long break, she decided to restart her career in a different field.(经过长时间的休息,她决定在另一个领域重新开始事业。)


back on是一个常用的短语,通常用于描述某人或某事物重新开始做某件事情,或者恢复到之前的状态。它可以和多种动词、名词、介词搭配使用,表达的意思也略有不同。为了避免重复使用back on,在写作中可以尝试使用同义词来替换,增加文章的多样性和可读性。同时,在使用时也要注意上下文的语境,选择合适的搭配方式来表达自己想要表达的意思。


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