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back off是什么意思

一:back off是什么意思的意思:

back off是一个动词短语,意为“后退,退后”,也可以表示“停止干涉,放弃某件事情”。

back off是什么意思


back off的音标为/bæk ɒf/。


1. 后退:

- He quickly backed off when he saw the angry dog.


2. 停止干涉:

- The government should back off and let the market decide.


3. 放弃某件事情:

- I think it's time for you to back off and let someone else take over.



1. The police officer told the crowd to back off from the crime scene.


2. I think it's better for us to back off and let them handle their own problems.


3. The boss was getting too involved in our work, so we had to tell him to back off.


4. The company decided to back off from the project due to financial difficulties.


5. He was about to start a fight, but his friends managed to make him back off.



1. retreat:意为“后退,撤退”,常用于战争或战略上的撤退。

2. withdraw:意为“撤回,撤离”,侧重指从某个地方或活动中撤回。

3. step back:意为“向后走,退后”,用于比喻性的情况。

4. give up:意为“放弃”,侧重指主动放弃某件事情。

5. let go:意为“放手,放弃”,侧重指主动放手。


back off是一个常用的动词短语,可以表示“后退,停止干涉,放弃某件事情”。在日常生活和工作中都有广泛的应用,在与人相处时也可以使用这个短语来表达自己的想法。同时,back off还可以与其他同义词搭配使用来增加表达的多样性。希望本篇文章能够帮助大家更好地理解back off的意思及用法。


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