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attend school是什么意思

attend school是指参加学校教育,接受正规的教育和培训。通常指在学校里学习知识、技能和价值观。在现代社会,参加学校教育是每个人都应该具备的基本权利和义务。

读音:[əˈtend skuːl]

用法:attend school作为一个动词短语,通常用来描述一个人参加学校教育的行为。它可以用于各种时态和语态,如:

- 现在时态:I attend school every day.(我每天上学。)

attend school是什么意思

- 过去时态:He attended school in his hometown.(他在家乡上过学。)

- 将来时态:They will attend school together next year.(明年他们将一起上学。)

- 被动语态:The students were attended by the teachers.(老师们照顾着这些学生。)


1. I have to attend school from Monday to Friday.


2. She has been attending school for 10 years and will graduate next month.


3. The children are too young to attend school.


4. My parents want me to attend a prestigious university after high school.


5. The government has implemented policies to ensure that all children attend school.



1. go to school:与attend school意思相同,表示去学校接受教育。

例句:I go to school by bus every morning.(我每天早上坐公交车去学校。)

2. study at school:指在学校里学习。

例句:She studies at a private school in the city.(她在城市里的一所私立学校学习。)

3. receive education:强调接受教育的过程。

例句:All children should have the right to receive education.(所有孩子都应该有接受教育的权利。)

4. attend classes:指参加课堂教学。

例句:He is always late for class and often misses the first 10 minutes of the lesson.


5. enroll in school:指注册或入学到某个学校。

例句:She enrolled in a prestigious boarding school last year.



参加学校教育是每个人都应该具备的基本权利和义务,它不仅可以帮助人们获得知识和技能,还可以塑造良好的价值观。使用attend school这个动词短语时,需要注意时态和语态的变化,同时也可以使用同义词来表达相同的意思。通过参加学校教育,我们可以为自己的未来打下坚实的基础。


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