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carry out是什么意思?如何正确使用carry out?

1. carry out是指执行、实施、完成某项任务或计划。常用于描述行动、活动或计划的进行过程中,强调实际操作的过程和结果。:The government needs to carry out its promises to improve the education system.(需要履行改善教育的承诺。)

2. “carry”读作/kæri/,“out”读作/aʊt/。

3. 用例:

(1)The company will carry out a survey to understand customer satisfaction.(公司将进行一项调查,以了解客户满意度。)

(2)The police are carrying out an investigation into the robbery case.(正在对抢劫案进行调查。)

(3)The team successfully carried out their mission and returned home safely.(团队成功完成了任务并安全返回家中。)

(4)It is important for parents to carry out their responsibilities in raising their children.(父母在抚养子女方面履行责任很重要。)

(5)We need to carefully plan and carry out this project in order to achieve the desired results.(为了达到预期的结果,我们需要仔细规划和执行这个项目。)

4. 组词:carry out可以与其他词组合成多种短语和搭配,如:

carry out an experiment (进行实验)

carry out a plan (执行计划)

carry out a task (完成任务)

carry out a study (开展研究)

carry out an order (执行命令)

carry out a project (实施项目)

carry out a survey (进行调查)

carry out an inspection (进行检查)

carry out a review (进行回顾)

carry out a negotiation (进行谈判)

5. carry out在中文中也可以翻译为“实施、执行、完成”,与其近义词包括:implement、execute、fulfill等。但是它们之间仍有一些微妙的差别,:




6. 总结:carry out是一个常用的动词短语,意思是“执行、实施、完成某项任务或计划”。它可以用来描述各种不同类型的活动,强调实际操作的过程和结果。在使用时要注意与其他近义词如implement、execute、fulfill等的区别。


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