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1. combative的意思是好斗的,善于争斗的。:The combative nature of the debate left both sides feeling exhausted and frustrated.(辩论的好斗性使双方都感到筋疲力尽和沮丧。)

2. combative的用法是作为形容词使用,修饰人或事物。它可以用来形容一个人具有好斗的性格,也可以形容一件事具有争斗性质。读音为/kəmˈbætɪv/。

3. combative的例句:

(1)His combative attitude often got him into trouble with his classmates.


(2)The two teams were equally matched in their combative skills.


(3)The political climate in the country has become increasingly combative.


(4)She is known for her combative style of debating.


(5)His combative nature often alienates him from his colleagues.


4. combative可以组成以下词语:

- combativeness (n.) 好斗性

- non-combative (adj.) 非好斗的

- uncombative (adj.) 不好斗的

- combatively (adv.) 好斗地

- combative spirit (n.) 好斗

- combative stance (n.) 好斗的姿态

5. combative是一个源自拉丁语的词汇,意为“战斗”。它的中文对应词汇为“好战的”,也可以用“好斗的”来表达。在英文中,它也可以用作名词,指代参加战斗或争斗的人。:He was a skilled combative and led his team to victory.(他是一名有技巧的好战者,带领他的团队获得了胜利。)

6. 总结:combative是一个形容人或事物具有好斗性质的词汇,它可以用来描述一个人具有好斗的性格,也可以形容一件事具有争斗性质。它可以组成多种相关词语,并且在英文中也可以用作名词。它源自拉丁语,意为“战斗”。在使用时要注意区分其正面和负面含义,避免造成误解。


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