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1. central是指位于中心的、重要的或主要的。:The central idea of the article is about climate change.(这篇文章的中心思想是关于气候变化的。)

2. central也可以指某个地区或的中部地区。:The central region of the country is known for its beautiful landscapes.(这个的中部地区以其美丽的风景而闻名。)

3. 在数学和几何学中,central可以表示圆心或球心。:The radius of a circle is the distance from the center to any point on the circle.(圆的半径是从圆心到圆上任意一点的距离。)




1. The central location of the hotel makes it convenient for tourists to explore the city.(酒店位于市中心,方便游客探索城市。)

2. The central government has announced new policies to boost economic growth.(已宣布新以促进经济增长。)

3. The central character in the novel is a young girl who embarks on a journey of self-discovery.(小说中的主角是一位年轻女孩,她踏上了自我之旅。)

4. The central theme of the conference is sustainability and environmental protection.(的中心主题是可持续发展和环境保护。)

5. The central idea of the project is to promote cultural exchange between different countries.(这个项目的核心理念是促进不同之间的文化交流。)


1. centralize (v.集中,使集中)The company decided to centralize its operations in one location.


2. centrally (adv.集中地,从中心)The hotel is centrally located, making it easy for guests to access popular attractions.


3. centrality (n.重要性,中心性)The centrality of education in a society cannot be underestimated.


4. decentralize (v.分散,使分散)The government aims to decentralize power and give more autonomy to local authorities.


5. centralization (n.集中,)The centralization of decision-making has led to criticism from various stakeholders.



1. central是指位于中心的、重要的或主要的。:The central idea of the article is about climate change.(这篇文章的中心思想是关于气候变化的。)

2. central也可以指某个地区或的中部地区。:The central region of the country is known for its beautiful landscapes.(这个的中部地区以其美丽的风景而闻名。)

3. 在数学和几何学中,central可以表示圆心或球心。:The radius of a circle is the distance from the center to any point on the circle.(圆的半径是从圆心到圆上任意一点的距离。)

1. central是指位于中心的、重要的或主要的。

2. central也可以指某个地区或的中部地区。

3. 在数学和几何学中,central可以表示圆心或球心。

1. centrally (adv.集中地,从中心)

2. centrality (n.重要性,中心性)

3. decentralized (adj.分散化的)

4. centralized (adj.化的)

5. centralization (n.,集中)



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