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1. chances是指可能性、机会或者运气。它可以表示某件事情发生的可能性,也可以表示某人获得成功的机会,还可以指运气好坏的概率。

2. chances的用法和短语读音读法:[ˈtʃænsɪz]

3. chances是什么意思?chances的用法和短语的用例:

- There is a good chance of rain tomorrow. (明天有很大可能下雨。)

- He took a chance and invested all his savings in the stock market. (他冒险把所有的积蓄投入了股市。)

- She's always been lucky, she never misses a chance to win. (她一直很幸运,从不错过赢取机会。)

- The chances of finding a parking spot in this area are slim. (在这个地区找到一个停车位的可能性很小。)

- I'll take my chances and apply for the job, even though I don't have much experience. (我愿意冒险申请这份工作,即使我没有太多经验。)

4. chances是什么意思?chances的用法和短语组词:

- by chance: 偶然地

- take a chance: 冒险

- slim chance: 小概率

- second chance: 第二次机会

- leave to chance: 随缘,听天由命

5. chances是什么意思?chances的用法和短语的中英文对照:

- chances: 可能性、机会、运气

- by chance: 偶然地

- take a chance: 冒险

- slim chance: 小概率

- second chance: 第二次机会

- leave to chance: 随缘,听天由命



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