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coast guard是什么意思?

1. coast guard是什么意思?的解释:

coast guard指的是海岸卫队,是一种负责海上安全保护和救援任务的武装力量。其主要职责包括海上巡逻、边防巡逻、海上救援、海上执法等。

2. coast guard是什么意思?读音读法:

coast guard的读音为[kəʊst ɡɑːd],其中coast读作[kəʊst],guard读作[ɡɑːd]。

3. coast guard是什么意思?的用例:

例句1:The coast guard rescued the sailors from the sinking ship.


例句2:The coast guard patrols the coastal waters to prevent illegal activities.


例句3:The coast guard is responsible for protecting marine resources.


例句4:The coast guard responded quickly to the distress call and saved the stranded fishermen.


例句5:The coast guard conducted a search and rescue mission in the stormy sea.


4. coast guard是什么意思?组词:

coastal(海岸的)+ guard(守卫)= coast guard(海岸卫队)

coast(海岸)+ guard(守卫)= coastguard(海岸卫)

coastline(海岸线)+ guard(守卫)= coastline guard(海岸线卫)

5. coast guard是什么意思?的中英文对照:

coast guard:海岸卫队

coast guard是一支非常重要的武装力量,他们负责保护海上安全、救援遇险者以及执行执法任务。他们的职责和使命让人感动,为我们的海上安全保驾护航。让我们一起向着海洋守护者致敬!


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