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- 意思:n. 添加物;增加;补充

- 怎么读:[əˈdɪʃənz]

- 用法:作为名词,additions指的是添加的东西或者增加的部分。它可以指添加到现有物体或事物中的新元素,也可以指增加数量或程度。在英语中,additions通常用作可数名词,但也可以用作不可数名词。


- 例句:

1. The new additions to the museum's collection have attracted a lot of attention from visitors.


2. We need to make some additions to the original recipe to enhance the flavor.


3. The recent additions to our team have brought fresh ideas and perspectives.


4. The company announced the addition of a new product line at their annual conference.


5. The teacher gave us an extra assignment as an addition to our regular homework.


- 同义词及用法:additional, supplement, extension, appendage等都可以替换additions,表示“额外的、补充的”意思。

1. additional: adj. 额外的;附加的

例句:We need to make additional arrangements for the guests.


2. supplement: n. 补充物;增刊;v. 补充;增补

例句:The company published a supplement to the annual report with more detailed financial information.


3. extension: n. 延长;扩展;分机

例句:The deadline for the project has been extended by two weeks.


4. appendage: n. 附属物;附肢

例句:The robot has an appendage that can pick up objects and move them around.


- 编辑总结:additions是一个常用的词汇,在日常生活和工作中都有广泛应用。它可以指添加到现有事物中的新元素,也可以指增加数量或程度。在写作时,可以根据具体语境选择合适的同义词替换,以避免重复使用。


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