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1. communicate是什么意思?的解释:


2. communicate是什么意思?读音读法:


3. communicate是什么意思?的用例:

1) The two countries have established a hotline to communicate in times of emergency.(两国已建立热线,在紧急情况下进行沟通。)

2) Effective communication is the key to a successful relationship.(有效的沟通是成功关系的关键。)

3) We need to find a way to better communicate our ideas to the team.(我们需要找到一种更好地向团队传达我们的想法的方式。)

4) The teacher used different teaching methods to effectively communicate with her students.(老师使用不同的教学方法与学生进行有效沟通。)

5) Non-verbal cues can also be used to communicate emotions and intentions.(非语言提示也可以用来传达情绪和意图。)

4. communicate是什么意思?组词:

- communication (n.) 沟通,交流

- communicator (n.) 沟通者,交流者

- communicative (adj.) 善于沟通的,健谈的

- communicable (adj.) 可传达的,可传染的

- uncommunicative (adj.) 不愿意交流的,不健谈的

5. communicate是什么意思?的中英文对照:

communicate: 沟通,交流



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