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1. bothering是动词bother的现在分词形式,意为“打扰,烦扰”。用作形容词时,意为“令人烦恼的,讨厌的”。

2. bothering的读音为/bɒðərɪŋ/。

3. 例句:

- S bothering me, I'm trying to concentrate on my work.


- He kept bothering her with questions about her personal life.


- The constant noise from the construction site was really bothering the residents.


- She was bothered by the fact that she couldn't find her keys.


- The little girl was crying because a bee was bothering her.


4. 组词:

- bother:n. 麻烦;v. 打扰,烦恼

- bothersome:adj. 讨厌的,令人烦恼的

- bothered:adj. 烦恼的,不安的

- botheration:n. 烦恼,麻烦事

- unbothered:adj. 不受干扰的

5. 中英文对照:



S bothering me, I'm trying to concentrate on my work.(别再打扰我了,我正在专心工作。)

He kept bothering her with questions about her personal life.(他一直用问题打扰她的私人生活。)

The constant noise from the construction site was really bothering the residents.(建筑工地不断发出的噪音真让居民们很烦恼。)

She was bothered by the fact that she couldn't find her keys.(她因为找不到钥匙而感到烦恼。)

The little girl was crying because a bee was bothering her.(小女孩因为被一只蜜蜂骚扰而哭了。)




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