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1. brush是什么意思?的解释:


2. brush是什么意思?读音读法:


3. brush是什么意思?的用例:

- Can you pass me the brush? (你能把刷子递给我吗?)

- I need to brush my hair before we go out. (我们出门前我需要梳理一下头发。)

- He used a brush to paint the fence. (他用刷子来涂漆栅栏。)

- She brushed the crumbs off the table. (她把桌子上的面包屑刷掉了。)

- The cat brushed against my leg as it walked by. (那只猫在经过时擦了一下我的腿。)

4. brush是什么意思?组词:

- toothbrush:牙刷

- hairbrush:发刷

- paintbrush:画笔

- shaving brush:剃须刷

- makeup brush:化妆刷

5. brush是什么意思?的中英文对照:


- Can you pass me the brush? (你能把刷子递给我吗?)

- I need to brush my hair before we go out. (我们出门前我需要梳理一下头发。)

- He used a brush to paint the fence. (他用刷子来涂漆栅栏。)

- She brushed the crumbs off the table. (她把桌子上的面包屑刷掉了。)

- The cat brushed against my leg as it walked by. (那只猫在经过时擦了一下我的腿。)



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