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1. captain什么意思:


2. captain什么意思:captain的用法和例句读音读法


3. captain什么意思:captain的用法和例句的用例

例句1: The captain skillfully navigated the ship through the stormy waters.


例句2: She was named captain of the basketball team for her outstanding leadership skills.


例句3: The army captain gave orders to his troops before they embarked on their mission.


例句4: As the team's captain, he took responsibility for their loss in the championship game.


例句5: The captain of the flight announced that they would be experiencing turbulence during the journey.


4. captain什么意思:captain的用法和例句组词

- captaincy (n.) 队长职位

- captainship (n.) 队长身份

- captainlike (adj.) 像队长的

- uncaptained (adj.) 无队长的

- vice-captain (n.) 副队长

5. captain什么意思:captain的用法和例句的中英文对照

中文| 英文


船长| ship's captain

飞行员| pilot/airline captain

中的一种衔| military rank of Captain

| leader/captain of a team or group

6. 对整个内容做一个简单的总结:



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