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1. bustle是指忙碌或喧闹。它可以作名词,表示繁忙的活动或喧闹的氛围;也可以作动词,表示忙碌地行动或使喧闹。:“The city bustles with life.”(这座城市充满了生机。)

2. bustle的读音为/bʌsəl/,音节为两个,重音在第一个音节上。

3. 用例:

例句1:The market was bustling with activity as people rushed to buy groceries for the holiday season.(人们为了假期季节匆匆忙忙地购买杂货,市场熙熙攘攘。)

例句2:The streets of New York City are always bustling with tourists and locals alike.(纽约市的街道总是挤满了游客和当地人。)

例句3:She bustled around the kitchen, preparing a delicious meal for her guests.(她在厨房里忙来忙去,为客人准备一顿美味的餐食。)

例句4:The children were full of energy and bustled around the playground, playing tag and hide-and-seek.(孩子们精力充沛,在操场上跑来跑去,玩着追逐和捉迷藏的游戏。)

例句5:Despite the hustle and bustle of the city, she found a quiet spot in the park to read her book.(尽管城市喧嚣,她还是在公园里找到一个安静的地方看书。)

4. 组词:

bustling (形容词) 忙碌的,繁忙的

bustler (名词) 忙碌的人,喧闹者

bustled (动词过去式) 忙碌地行动,使喧闹

unbustling (形容词) 不繁忙的,不喧闹的

5. bustle在中文中可以翻译为“喧嚣”,“忙碌”,“匆忙”。:“The city bustles with tourists during the summer months.”(这座城市在夏季挤满了游客。)

6. 总结:bustle是一个多义词,既可以作名词也可以作动词,在不同语境中有着不同的含义。它通常用来描述忙碌、繁忙、喧闹的场景或状态。它是一个常用且生动的单词,在日常生活和文学作品中都有广泛应用。


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