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1. bottom是什么意思啊(解释)?


2. bottom是什么意思啊(解释)?


3. bottom是什么意思啊(解释)?

1. 名词:底部、底端、底层、底面、底线、最低点。

例句1:The book is at the bottom of the shelf.(这本书在书架的最下面。)

例句2:He reached the bottom of the mountain.(他到达了山脚。)

例句3:The bottom of the sea is full of mysteries.(海底充满了神秘。)

例句4:The company is at the bottom of the industry.(这家公司处于行业的最低点。)

例句5:The price has hit rock-bottom.(价格已经到达了谷底。)

2. 形容词:最下面的、最末端的、底层的。

例句1:She put her keys in the bottom drawer.(她把钥匙放在了最下面的抽屉里。)

例句2:The bottom layer of the cake is burnt.(蛋糕的底层烤焦了。)

例句3:The bottom shelf is for books.(最下面的架子是放书的。)

4. bottom是什么意思啊(解释)?


1. at the bottom of:在...的最下面。

例句:The key is at the bottom of the bag.(钥匙在包的最下面。)

2. hit rock-bottom:到达谷底、触底。

例句:After losing everything, he finally hit rock-bottom and decided to turn his life around.(失去一切后,他终于到达了谷底,并决定改变自己的生活。)

3. from to bottom:从上到下、彻底地。

例句:She cleaned the house from to bottom before her guests arrived.(她在客人到来之前彻底打扫了房子。)

4. rock-bottom price:极低价。

例句:The store is offering rock-bottom prices for their clearance sale.(商店正在进行清仓大甩卖,价格极低。)

5. bottom是什么意思啊(解释)?


- 名词:底部、底端、底层、底面、底线、最低点 - bottom

- 形容词:最下面的、最末端的、底层的 - bottom



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