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1. noun. 船,小船。一种用来在水上航行的交通工具。也可以指一艘船只。

2. verb. 划船,驾驶船只。指驾驶或操作船只在水上移动。

2. boat怎么读?读音读法:

英 [bəʊt] 美 [boʊt]


3. boat怎么读?的用例:

1. The boat is sailing smoothly on the calm sea.


2. He spent the whole day fishing on his boat.


3. We need to rent a boat for our trip to the lake.


4. The captain skillfully steered the boat through the rough waves.


5. They decided to take a romantic sunset cruise on a small boat.


4. boat怎么读?组词:

1. sailboat 帆船

2. speedboat 快艇

3. rowboat 划船

4. lifeboat 救生艇

5. houseboat 水上居住船

6. motorboat 汽艇

7. fishing boat 渔船

8. yacht 游艇

9. paddleboat 踏板船

10. ferry 渡轮

5. boat怎么读?的中英文对照:

1. noun 船,小船 - boat

2. verb 划船,驾驶船只 - boat

3. sailboat 帆船 - sailboat

4. speedboat 快艇 - speedboat

5. rowboat 划船 - rowboat

6. lifeboat 救生艇 - lifeboat

7. houseboat 水上居住船 - houseboat

8. motorboat 汽艇 - motorboat

9. fishing boat 渔船 - fishing boat

10. yacht 游艇 - yacht

1,boating是指在水上运动的活动。它可以包括划船、帆板、滑水等各种水上运动。Boating is the activity of participating in water sports, such as rowing, windsurfing, and water skiing.

2,在英语中,有许多与“小船”相关的习语和成语。,“miss the boat”意为错过机会,“rock the boat”意为引起麻烦或争论,“burn one's boats”意为做出不可挽回的决定等。In English, there are many idioms and expressions related to "boat". For example, "miss the boat" means to miss an opportunity, "rock the boat" means to cause trouble or argument, "burn one's boats" means to make an irreversible decision, etc.

3,船只的形状和用途不同,可以分为各种类型。,“canoe”是一种轻便的小船,通常由一到两个人划动,用于休闲娱乐或运动。而“cruise ship”是一种大型游轮,通常用于旅游和度假。There are different types of boats based on their shape and purpose. For example, a canoe is a lightweight boat usually propelled by one or two people for leisure or sport, while a cruise ship is a large vessel used for tourism and vacation.

4,船只也可以有不同的驾驶方式。有些船只需要人力操作,如划船、踏板船等;有些则需要机械动力,如汽艇、快艇等;还有些则需要风力驱动,如帆船、帆板等。Boats can also be operated in different ways. Some boats require human power, such as rowboats and paddleboats; some are powered by engines, such as motorboats and speedboats; while others rely on wind power, such as sailboats and windsurfers.

5,在海洋生物中,“boat”也有特殊的含义。它可以指鲸鱼、海豚等大型海洋哺乳动物,在英语中也被称为“海上的船”。In marine life, "boat" also has a special meaning. It can refer to large marine mammals such as whales and dolphins, which are also known as "boats of the sea" in English.



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