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1.board是指一块平面木材或其他材料,通常用于制作家具、地板等。例句:"The carpenter used a board to build the bookshelf."(木匠用一块板子建造了书架。)

2.board还可以指管理层或董事会,特别是指商业公司的管理层。例句:"The board of directors will meet next week to discuss the company's financial report."(董事会下周将开会讨论公司的财务报告。)

3.board也可以作为动词,意为登上(船、飞机等)。例句:"We will board the plane in 10 minutes."(我们将在10分钟内登上飞机。)

4.作为名词,board还可以指板球、冲浪板等运动的器材。例句:"He bought a new board for his surfing trip."(他为冲浪之旅买了一块新的冲浪板。)

5.在某些场合,board也可以指餐桌上的盘子或托盘。例句:"She placed the dishes on the serving board."(她把盘子放在了服务托盘上。)







1.这家公司的董事会决定将提高员工的工资。例句:"The board of directors of this company has decided to raise the employees' salaries."

2.请把菜盘放在服务托盘上端给客人。例句:"Please put the dishes on the serving board and serve them to the guests."

3.我需要一块木板来做一个书桌。例句:"I need a piece of board to make a desk."

4.他们将在下个月登上一艘豪华游轮去巴哈马度假。例句:"They will board a luxury cruise ship next month for a vacation in the Bahamas."

5.我爱踩着冲浪板在海浪中滑行。例句:"I love riding waves on my surf board."


1.boarding(n./adj. 登机;上船;寄宿制)

2.boardroom(n. 董事室)

3.boardwalk(n. 木板路;栈道)

4.whiteboard(n. 白板)

5.keyboard(n. 键盘)


1.board是指一块平面木材或其他材料,通常用于制作家具、地板等。例句:"The carpenter used a board to build the bookshelf."(木匠用一块板子建造了书架。)

2.board还可以指管理层或董事会,特别是指商业公司的管理层。例句:"The board of directors will meet next week to discuss the company's financial report."(董事会下周将开会讨论公司的财务报告。)

3.board也可以作为动词,意为登上(船、飞机等)。例句:"We will board the plane in 10 minutes."(我们将在10分钟内登上飞机。)

4.作为名词,board还可以指板球、冲浪板等运动的器材。例句:"He bought a new board for his surfing trip."(他为冲浪之旅买了一块新的冲浪板。)

5.在某些场合,board也可以指餐桌上的盘子或托盘。例句:"She placed the dishes on the serving board."(她把盘子放在了服务托盘上。)

1.board is a flat piece of wood or other material, typically used for making furniture, flooring, etc.

2.board can also refer to a group of people who manage or direct a company, especially its commercial operations.

3.as a verb, board means to get on (a ship, aircraft, etc.).

4.as a noun, board can also refer to the equipment used for sports such as cricket and surfing.

5.in some contexts, board can also refer to a platter or tray used for serving food.



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