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1. The burdensome task of carrying heavy boxes made her back ache.(搬运沉重的箱子这项繁重的任务让她背部酸痛。)

2. The new tax law has placed a burdensome financial burden on small businesses.(新税法给小企业增加了沉重的财务负担。)

3. She found the constant interruptions from her coworkers to be burdensome and distracting.(她同事们不断打断她工作让她感到厌烦和分心。)

4. The government's regulations have become increasingly burdensome for farmers.(的规定对农民来说越来越繁琐。)

5. The long and burdensome process of obtaining a visa can discourage people from traveling abroad.(获得签证的漫长而繁琐过程可能会让人放弃出国旅行。)



1. /ˈbɜːrdənsəm/(搬运沉重的箱子这项繁重的任务让她背部酸痛。)

2. /ˈbɜːrdənsəm/(新税法给小企业增加了沉重的财务负担。)

3. /ˈbɜːrdənsəm/(她同事们不断打断她工作让她感到厌烦和分心。)

4. /ˈbɜːrdənsəm/(的规定对农民来说越来越繁琐。)

5. /ˈbɜːrdənsəm/(获得签证的漫长而繁琐过程可能会让人放弃出国旅行。)



1. The new regulations have made the process of opening a business in this city burdensome and time-consuming.


2. The constant noise from the construction site next door has become burdensome for the residents of this neighborhood.


3. She found her job to be burdensome and unfulfilling, so she decided to quit and pursue her passion.


4. The weight of his responsibilities as the CEO of a large company was becoming increasingly burdensome.


5. The high cost of living in this city can be burdensome for those with low incomes.



1. burden:负担,重担

2. burdened:负担沉重的

3. unburden:减轻负担

4. burdening:给…增加负担

5. overburdened:过度负担


1. burdensome task 繁重的任务

2. financial burden 财务负担

3. constant interruptions 不断打断

4. government's regulations 的规定

5. obtaining a visa 获得签证

6. burdensome 繁重的

7. task 任务

8. financial 财务的

9. constant 不断的

10. interruptions 打断

11. government

12. regulations 规定

13. obtaining 获得

14. visa 签证



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