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1. breathing的意思是指人类或动物通过呼吸器官吸入氧气并排出二氧化碳的生理过程。这是维持生命所必需的基本功能,也是人类和动物体内新陈代谢进行的重要环节。

2. breathing的读音读法为[ˈbriːðɪŋ],其中“breath”的发音为[breθ],意为“呼吸”,“-ing”结尾表示动词进行时。

3. breathing的用例:

(1) The patient's breathing became more rapid and shallow as his condition worsened.


(2) Yoga emphasizes the importance of deep, mindful breathing for relaxation and stress relief.


(3) The doctor instructed the new mother on proper breathing techniques during labor.


(4) The athlete's coach taught him how to control his breathing during intense physical activity.


(5) The meditation instructor guided the group through a series of deep, slow breaths to help them relax and focus their minds.


4. breathing的组词:

- shallow breathing 浅表呼吸

- labored breathing 艰难呼吸

- rhythmic breathing 有节奏的呼吸

- deep breathing 深度呼吸

- controlled breathing 呼吸

5. breathing的中英文对照:


英文:breathing, the source of life, the process of metabolism



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