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英 [əˈtʃiːv] 美 [əˈtʃiːv] 用法:及物动词,表示实现或完成某事 例句: 1. He finally achieved his goal of becoming a doctor. 他终于实现了成为一名医生的目标。 2. She achieved her dream of traveling around the world last year. 她去年实现了环游世界的梦想。 3. The team achieved a great victory in the championship game. 这支球队在冠赛中取得了巨大的胜利。 4. The company has achieved significant growth in the past year. 这家公司在过去一年里取得了显著的增长。 5. Despite all the challenges, they still managed to achieve their objectives. 尽管面临种种挑战,他们仍然成功地实现了自己的目标。 同义词及用法:accomplish、attain、fulfill、complete 这些动词都可以表示实现或完成某事,但与achieve不同的是,它们更多地强调达到预期的结果或目标。: 1. They accomplished their mission with great success. 他们以巨大的成功完成了任务。 2. She finally attained her dream of becoming a famous singer. 她终于实现了成为一名著名歌手的梦想。 3. He fulfilled his promise to help the needy. 他履行了帮助穷人的承诺。 4. The project was completed on time and within budget. 这个项目按时并且在预算范围内完成了。 编辑总结: achieve的过去式是achieved,是一个及物动词,表示实现或完成某事。它可以用来描述个人或团队达成目标、实现梦想、取得成功等。与其同义词相比,achieve更强调付出努力后所获得的结果。在写作中,我们可以根据具体语境选择合适的动词,以丰富句子表达。



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