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['ə'tʃiːvmənt] n. 成就;成绩;实现 The noun achievement refers to something that has been accomplished or achieved, especially by hard work, skill, or courage. 1. He was proud of his achievement as a writer. 他对自己作为一名作家的成就感到自豪。 2. The discovery of the vaccine is a major scientific achievement. 疫苗的是一项重大的科学成就。 3. The team's success is a great achievement for the school. 该团队的成功对学校来说是一项伟大的成就。 4. The athlete's achievements have earned him a place in the history books. 这位运动员的成就使他获得了进入历史书籍的机会。 5. Her remarkable achievements have inspired many young people to follow in her footsteps. 她令人瞩目的成就激励了许多年轻人跟随她的脚步。 achievement ['ə'tʃiːvmənt] n. 成果;功绩;实现 Achievement is something that has been accomplished successfully, especially by effort, skill or courage. 1. He was pleased with his academic achievements at school. 他对自己在学校取得的学术成果感到满意。 2. The company's financial achievements are impressive this year. 公司今年的财务业绩令人印象深刻。 3. Her athletic achievements have brought her fame and fortune. 她在运动方面取得的成就给她带来了名利。 4. The students were recognized for their achievements in the science fair. 学生们因在科学展上的成就而受到表彰。 5. The team's achievements in the competition have made them local heroes. 该团队在比赛中的成就使他们成为当地。 同义词及用法: 1. Accomplishment (n.) - something that has been achieved successfully, especially through hard work or skill. 例句:The completion of the project was a great accomplishment for the team. 2. Attainment (n.) - the act of achieving or accomplishing something, especially a goal. 例句:Her academic attainments have earned her a scholarship to study abroad. 3. Success (n.) - the achievement of something desired, planned or attempted; favorable or desired outcome. 例句:The company's success is attributed to its innovative marketing strategies. 4. Triumph (n.) - a great victory or achievement; a state of being successful or victorious. 例句:The team's triumph in the championship game was celebrated by fans all over the city. 5. Feat (n.) - an impressive and difficult achievement, usually requiring great skill or strength. 例句:Climbing Mount Everest is considered one of the greatest feats in mountaineering history. 编辑总结: Achievement是指通过努力、技能或勇气成功实现的事物。它可以指个人或团体取得的成就,也可以指某项任务、计划或目标的完成。同义词包括Accomplishment、Attainment、Success、Triumph和Feat,它们都强调通过努力或技能达到某种目标或取得某种成就。作为词典编辑翻译人员,应该注意使用简洁、准确的语言,避免出现重复或模糊的解释,使读者能够清晰地理解该词的含义和用法。同时,也要注意使用多样化的例句来展示该词的不同用法和含义,让读者能够更加深入地了解该词。



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