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/ætʃ/ noun. 1. 帮助 2. 帮助的行为 3. 助长 Usage: 1. The noun "ach" refers to the act of helping someone. 2. The verb "ach" refers to the act of giving assistance. 3. The noun "ach" can also be used to describe something that promotes or encourages growth or development. Example Sentences: 1. She offered her ach to the elderly woman who was struggling with her groceries. 她向那位老太太提供了帮助,因为她搬运杂物时很吃力。 2. The teacher's ach was greatly appreciated by the struggling student. 老师对这位挣扎的学生的帮助非常感激。 3. His kind words were a great ach for her confidence. 他的赞美话语对她的自信心有很大的促进作用。 Synonyms: assistance, aid, support, help, encouragement, boost Usage: 1. The noun "assistance" is often used in formal contexts and can refer to both physical and emotional help. 2. "Aid" is commonly used in situations where people are in need of material or financial support. 3. "Support" can refer to both physical and emotional help, but it also has a broader meaning that includes backing or endorsement. 4. "Help" is a general term that can refer to any form of assistance or aid. 5. "Encouragement" specifically refers to words or actions that give someone confidence or motivation. Editor's Summary: In summary, "ach" is a versatile word that can be used as both a noun and a verb to describe the act of helping or promoting growth. It can also be used in various contexts, from physical assistance to emotional support. Its synonyms, such as "assistance" and "support," have similar meanings but may have slightly different connotations. As an editor, it is important to understand the nuances of words like "ach" and choose the most appropriate synonym for a given context.



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