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一:aceticacid的意思:乙酸 二:怎么读(音标):[əˈsiːtɪk ˈæsɪd] 三:用法:名词,化学名词,指一种无色、有刺激性气味的液体,是醋中主要的有机酸之一。 四:例句1-5句且中英对照: 1. The acetic acid in vinegar gives it its sour taste. 醋中的乙酸赋予了它酸味。 2. Acetic acid is commonly used as a solvent in the production of various chemicals. 乙酸常被用作各种化学品的溶剂。 3. The smell of acetic acid can be quite pungent. 乙酸的气味可能会相当刺激。 4. Acetic acid is an important component in the production of plastics and synthetic fibers. 乙酸是塑料和合成纤维生产中的重要组成部分。 5. In its pure form, acetic acid is a clear liquid with a strong odor. 在纯净状态下,乙酸是一种具有强烈气味的清澈液体。 五:同义词及用法: 1. Ethanoic acid - another name for acetic acid, commonly used in scientific contexts. 2. Vinegar - a common household item that contains acetic acid, often used in cooking and cleaning. 3. Glacial acetic acid - a highly concentrated form of acetic acid, often used in industrial processes. 4. Acetate - the salt or ester of acetic acid, commonly used in the production of plastics and textiles. 5. Methylcarboxylic acid - another name for acetic acid, often used in organic chemistry. 六:编辑总结: 乙酸是一种常见的无色液体,具有刺激性气味。它广泛用于化学生产中作为溶剂和原料,也是醋的主要成分。除了常见的乙酸外,还有一些同义词可以用来指代乙酸或乙酸的衍生物。对于化学领域的读者来说,熟悉乙酸及其用法是非常重要的。



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