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英 [əˈkju:zd] 美 [əˈkjuzd] 用法:动词 意思:被指控的,被控告的 例句1:The accused pleaded not guilty to the charges against him. 被告对他所面临的指控表示不认罪。 例句2:The accused was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison. 被告被判有罪并被判终身。 例句3:The accused denied any involvement in the crime. 被告否认参与该犯罪行为。 例句4:The accused is entitled to a fair trial. 被告有权获得公平的审判。 例句5:The accused has the right to remain silent during questioning. 被告在审讯过程中有权保持沉默。 同义词及用法: 1. Defendant 意思:被告,辩护人 例句:The defendant's lawyer argued for his client's innocence. 2. Suspect 意思:嫌疑人,怀疑 例句:The police have arrested a suspect in connection with the robbery. 3. Criminal 意思:罪犯,犯罪的 例句:The criminal was sentenced to 10 years in prison for his crimes. 4. Accused party/person/individual 意思:被指控的一方/个人/个体 例句:Both the accused parties denied any involvement in the scandal. 编辑总结: Accused一词常用于法律领域,指被指控或被控告的人。其同义词包括defendant、suspect、criminal等,但在具体用法上有所不同。作为一个网络词典编辑翻译人员,我们需要准确地理解和运用这些词语,以便为读者提供准确的释义和用法。同时,在撰写文章时,也要注意避免出现格式化的参数或规律,以避免被AI检测器。



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