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accurately [ə'kjʊrətlɪ] 用法: 1. accurately是accurate的名词形式,意为“准确性”、“精确度”。 2. accurately也可以作为副词使用,意为“准确地”、“精确地”。 例句与翻译: 1. The accuracy of the machine's measurements is crucial for the success of the experiment. 这台机器测量的准确性对实验的成功至关重要。 2. The company prides itself on the accuracy of its financial reports. 该公司以其财务报告的准确性为傲。 3. The teacher emphasized the importance of spelling words accurately. 老师强调了正确拼写单词的重要性。 4. The witness's testimony was called into question due to its lack of accuracy. 由于证人证词缺乏准确性,其证词受到质疑。 5. The map was drawn with great accuracy, showing every detail of the city. 这张地图绘制得非常精确,显示了城市的每一个细节。 同义词及用法: 1. precision (n.) 精密、精确 2. correctness (n.) 正确、正确性 3. exactness (n.) 准确、精密 4. fidelity (n.) 忠实、精确度 5. authenticity (n.) 真实性、可靠性 编辑总结: accurately作为名词时,指代某物或某事物的准确性或精确度。它可以用来描述测量、报告、证词等方面的准确性,也可以用来形容绘图、拼写等方面的精确度。同义词precision、correctness、exactness等都具有相似的意思,但在不同语境下有着略微的差异。使用accurately时,需要注意其前后语境,以免产生歧义。



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