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英 [əˈkaʊnt] 美 [əˈkaʊnt] 一:account的意思 名词:1.账户;2.账目;3.描述,说明;4.理由,解释;5.叙述,叙事;6.考虑,原因;7.计算,估量。 动词:1.认为,把...视为;2.解释,说明。 二:怎么读(音标) 英 [əˈkaʊnt] 美 [əˈkaʊnt] 三:用法 1.account作为名词时,可以表示“账户”,指的是个人、公司或在银行或其他金融开设的账户。: 1) I opened a savings account at the bank yesterday. 我昨天在银行开了一个储蓄账户。 2) She transferred all her money from her checking account to her savings account. 她把所有钱从支票账户转移到了储蓄账户。 2.account也可以表示“账目”,指的是记录收入和支出的详细清单。: 1) Can you send me a copy of your monthly accounts? 你能给我寄一份你每月的账目吗? 2) The company's accounts show a steady increase in profits over the past year. 公司的账目显示过去一年利润稳步增长。 3.account还可以表示“描述”或“说明”,特别是在书面语中。: 1) The police asked her to give an account of what happened that night. 要求她描述当晚发生的事情。 2) The book gives a detailed account of the events leading up to the war. 这本书详细描述了导致战争爆发的。 4.account也可以表示“理由”或“解释”,指的是为某件事情提供的合理解释。: 1) He couldn't give a satisfactory account for his absence from work. 他无法对缺勤的原因做出令人满意的解释。 2) The company's CEO gave an account for the drop in profits during the shareholders' meeting. 公司的CEO在股东大会上解释了利润下降的原因。 5.account还可以表示“叙述”或“叙事”,指的是故事或的详细描述。: 1) Her account of the accident was different from what the witnesses said. 她对事故的叙述与目击者所说不同。 2) The newspaper published a first-hand account of the earthquake from a survivor. 报纸刊登了一位幸存者关于地震的第一手报道。 6.account也可以表示“考虑”或“原因”,指的是影响某件事情发生或做出决定的因素。: 1) We have to take into account the weather conditions before planning our trip. 我们在计划旅行之前必须考虑天气状况。 2) The judge will take into account your previous criminal record when deciding your sentence. 在决定你的判决时将考虑你的前科记录。 7.account作为动词时,可以表示“认为”或“把...视为”。: 1) I account him as one of the most talented musicians of our time. 我认为他是我们这个时代最有才华的音乐家之一。 2) The company's success can be accounted to its excellent marketing strategies. 公司的成功归功于其出色的营销策略。 8.account也可以表示“解释”或“说明”,指的是对某件事情做出合理解释。: 1) How do you account for the missing money in your department's budget? 你如何解释部门预算中缺失的钱? 2) The scientist tried to account for the sudden change in temperature. 科学家试图解释温度突然变化的原因。 四:例句1-5句且中英对照 1. Please provide your bank account number so we can transfer the funds to you. 请提供您的银行账号,以便我们向您转账。 2. The accountant spent hours going through the company's accounts to find any discrepancies. 会计师花了几个小时审查公司账目,寻找任何差异。 3. Her account of the incident was different from what was reported in the news. 她对这起的叙述与新闻报道中不同。 4. Can you give us an account for your actions last night? 你能给我们说明昨晚你做了什么吗? 5. Taking into account the current economic situation, we have decided to postpone the project. 考虑到当前的经济形势,我们决定推迟这个项目。 五:同义词及用法 1. explanation:名词,解释,说明。:Can you give me an explanation for your absence? 你能给我解释一下你缺席的原因吗? 2. narrative:名词,叙述,叙事。:Her narrative of the events was captivating. 她对这些的叙述引人入胜。 3. consideration:名词,考虑,原因。:We have to take into consideration the potential risks before making a decision. 在做出决定之前,我们必须考虑潜在的风险。 4. depiction:名词,描述。:The movie's depiction of the war was very realistic. 这部电影对战争的描述非常真实。 5. interpretation:名词,解释。:His interpretation of the poem was completely different from mine. 他对这首诗的解释与我的完全不同。 六:编辑总结 Account是一个多功能的单词,在不同语境下有着不同的含义和用法。作为名词时,它可以指账户、账目、描述、理由、叙述等;作为动词时,则可以表示认为、解释等。熟练掌握account的用法可以帮助我们更准确地表达自己的意思,并且在书面语中使用它可以使文章更加丰富多彩。



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