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['əˈkɔst] 1.意思:(动词)搭讪,招呼,勾引 2.怎么读(音标):əˈkɔst 3.用法: accost是一个动词,意为搭讪、招呼或勾引。它源于法语的“acoster”,意为“靠近”或“贴近”。在英语中,它一般用来形容某人主动与陌生人交谈或者与某人接近。 4.例句1-5句且中英对照: 1. She was accosted by a group of men on her way home from work. 她在下班回家的路上被一群男人搭讪了。 2. The salesman accosted me as soon as I walked into the store. 我一走进商店,那个销售员就过来搭讪我。 3. He had been accosting women in the street, asking for money. 他一直在街上搭讪女性,要钱。 4. The stranger accosted me and asked for directions to the nearest gas station. 那个陌生人向我搭讪,并问我去最近的加油站的路。 5. She was constantly being accosted by photographers wherever she went. 无论她走到哪里,总是有摄影师向她搭讪。 5.同义词及用法: accost的同义词包括approach、address、greet等。它们都可以用来形容主动与陌生人交谈或者接近某人。 : - He approached me and asked for a cigarette. 他走过来向我要香烟。 - The salesman greeted me with a smile. 那个销售员微笑着向我打招呼。 - She addressed the audience in a confident tone. 她以自信的口吻对观众讲话。 6.编辑总结: accost是一个常用的动词,意为搭讪、招呼或勾引。它可以用来形容主动与陌生人交谈或者接近某人。在使用时,我们可以根据具体情况选择合适的同义词,如approach、address、greet等。



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