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英 [əˌkɔːməˈdeɪʃn] 美 [əˌkɔːrməˈdeɪʃn] 释义:住宿,调解,和解,适应 用法:accormodation是一个名词,表示住宿、调解、和解或者适应的意思。 例句1:The hotel offers comfortable accormodation for tourists. 这家酒店为游客提供舒适的住宿。 例句2:The two parties reached an accormodation after long negotiations. 经过长时间的谈判,双方达成了和解。 例句3:She has no difficulty in accormodating to new environments. 她很容易适应新环境。 例句4:The school provides special accormodations for students with disabilities. 学校为残疾学生提供特殊的住宿安排。 例句5:The company has made accormodations for employees who need to work from home. 公司为需要在家工作的员工做出了安排。 同义词及用法: 1. Lodging: 名词,住宿,常指旅馆或者酒店提供的房间。 例句:We booked our lodging in advance to avoid any inconvenience. 2. Settlement: 名词,和解,指两个对立的一方达成协议。 例句:After several rounds of negotiation, a settlement was finally reached. 3. Adjustment: 名词,调整,指对环境或者情况做出的改变。 例句:He needs some time to make the adjustment to his new job. 4. Accommodation: 名词,住宿,与accormodation同义,但更常用于英式英语。 例句:The hotel offers affordable accommodation for travelers. 5. Adaptation: 名词,适应,指人或物对新环境或者情况的调整。 例句:The movie is an adaptation of the novel with some changes in the plot. 编辑总结: accormodation是一个多义词,在不同场景下有着不同的含义。它可以指住宿、和解、适应等。在写作时需要根据上下文来确定其具体含义,并注意使用正确的词性。同时,在使用时也可以考虑一些近义词来丰富表达。



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