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意思:根据最近的调查 怎么读(音标):əˈkɔːdɪŋ tə ə ˈrɛsənt ˈsɜːvɪ 用法:介词短语,表示根据最近的调查结果,用来引出相关信息或数据。 例句1:According to a recent survey, more than half of the population is in favor of stricter gun control laws. (根据最近的调查,超过一半的人口赞成更严格的管制法律。) 例句2:According to a recent survey, the majority of students prefer online learning over traditional classroom learning. (根据最近的调查,大多数学生更喜欢在线学习而不是传统教室学习。) 例句3:According to a recent survey, the economy is expected to grow by 3% next year. (根据最近的调查,预计明年经济将增长3%。) 例句4:According to a recent survey, most people prioritize work-life balance over high-paying jobs. (根据最近的调查,大多数人更看重工作与生活平衡而不是高薪工作。) 例句5:According to a recent survey, customer satisfaction has decreased by 10% in the past year. (根据最近的调查,客户满意度在过去一年中下降了10%。) 同义词及用法:based on a recent survey, in light of a recent survey, according to the results of a recent survey 编辑总结:accordingtoarecentsurvey是一个常用的介词短语,用来引出根据最近的调查结果得出的相关信息或数据。在写作中,可以使用其同义词来避免重复使用,同时也可以加强句子的表达力。在阅读时,需要注意根据调查结果得出的信息可能会有误差或变化,因此需要谨慎使用。



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