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一:accomplish用法的意思 accomplish [əˈkɑːmplɪʃ],是一个动词,意为“完成;实现;达成”。 二:怎么读(音标) [əˈkɑːmplɪʃ] 三:用法 1. 完成某项任务或目标 例句:He accomplished his goal of climbing Mount Everest.(他完成了攀登珠穆朗玛峰的目标。) 2. 实现某件事情 例句:The company accomplished its mission of becoming the player in the market.(公司实现了成为市场领导者的使命。) 3. 达成协议或协议 例句:The two countries finally accomplished a peace agreement after years of negotiation.(经过多年的谈判,两国最终达成了和平协议。) 4. 使完美或使圆满 例句:The final touches on the painting really accomplished it.(对这幅画做最后的修饰真的让它完美了。) 5. 有能力做到某事 例句:She is an accomplished pianist and can play many difficult pieces flawlessly.(她是一位技艺精湛的钢琴家,可以无瑕地演奏许多难曲。) 四:例句1-5句且中英对照 1. He has been working hard for years to accomplish his dream of becoming a doctor.(多年来,他一直在努力实现成为医生的梦想。) 2. The team accomplished their goal of winning the championship after months of intense training.(经过数月的密集训练,这支球队终于达成了赢得冠的目标。) 3. The new government has promised to accomplish major reforms in the education system.(新承诺要在教育实现重大改革。) 4. With her hard work and determination, she accomplished what many thought was impossible.(凭借她的努力和决心,她完成了许多人认为不可能的事情。) 5. The young artist's latest exhibition has accomplished great success, receiving praise from critics and viewers alike.(这位年轻艺术家最新的展览取得了巨大的成功,受到评论家和观众的一致好评。) 五:同义词及用法 1. achieve:意为“实现;达到”,强调通过努力或行动而达成某个目标。 2. complete:意为“完成;结束”,强调做完某件事情或达到某种状态。 3. fulfill:意为“履行;满足”,强调完成任务、责任或满足需求。 4. realize:意为“实现;认识到”,强调将想法、计划等付诸行动并取得成功。 5. execute:意为“执行;实施”,强调按照计划或命令进行行动。 六:编辑总结 accomplish是一个常用的词汇,可以用来表示完成某项任务、实现目标,也可以指达成协议或使某事圆满。它还可以表示有能力做到某事。在写作中,我们可以根据具体情况选择合适的同义词来替换,以避免文章中出现重复使用的情况。同时,还可以通过搭配不同的名词或副词来增强表达的精准度和多样性。



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