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[ə'kɑːmplɪs] 名词 用法:指与犯罪或不法行为有关联的人,也指与犯罪或不法行为有关联的人员。 例句1:He was arrested as an accomplice in the murder. 他因谋杀案件被捕。 例句2:The accomplice was sentenced to ten years in prison. 这个同谋被判处十年。 例句3:She was charged as an accomplice to the robbery. 她被控作为抢劫案的同谋。 例句4:The police are still searching for the accomplice who helped the suspect escape. 仍在搜寻帮助嫌疑人逃脱的同伙。 例句5:The witness identified the accused's accomplice in court. 证人在法庭上确认了被告的同谋身份。 同义词及用法:partner, collaborator, associate, co-conspirator, confederate 编辑总结:accomplice是指与犯罪或不法行为有关联的人,也可以指与犯罪或不法行为有关联的人员。其同义词包括partner、collaborator、associate、co-conspirator和confederate。使用时应注意区分其与accessory(从犯)和accompliceship(共谋)的含义。



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