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英 [əˈkɒmədeɪtɪŋ] 美 [əˈkɑːmədeɪtɪŋ] 用法:形容词,指能够顺应他人的需求和要求,给予帮助和支持的态度。 例句: 1. The hotel staff are very accommodating and always willing to assist with any requests we have. (酒店员工非常乐于助人,总是愿意帮助我们的任何要求。) 2. She has a very accommodating personality and is always willing to compromise for the sake of others. (她性格非常包容,总是愿意为了别人而妥协。) 3. The company has an accommodating policy for employees with disabilities, providing necessary accommodations for them to work comfortably. (公司对残疾员工有着包容的,为他们提供必要的便利条件让他们能够舒适地工作。) 4. Our tour guide was very accommodating, making sure everyone in the group had a good time and enjoyed the trip. (我们的导游非常体贴,确保每个人都玩得开心,享受旅行。) 5. The teacher was very accommodating when I needed extra time to finish my assignment due to a family emergency. (由于家庭紧急情况需要额外时间完成作业时,老师非常体谅并给予了我充足的时间。) 同义词及用法: 1. Considerate:形容词,指考虑周到,体贴关心他人的感受。:She is a very considerate friend who always remembers my birthday. (她是一个非常体贴的朋友,总是记得我的生日。) 2. Helpful:形容词,指乐于帮助他人的态度。:The neighbors are very helpful, always offering to lend a hand when we need it. (邻居们非常乐于助人,我们需要帮忙时总是主动提供帮助。) 3. Accommodative:形容词,指具有包容性和适应性的特点。:The company has an accommodative culture that encourages employees to work together and support each other. (公司有一种包容性的文化氛围,鼓励员工相互合作、支持彼此。) 4. Considerate:形容词,指体贴入微地为他人着想。:He is always considerate of his wife's feelings and needs, making sure she is happy and comfortable. (他总是体贴入微地考虑妻子的感受和需求,确保她快乐舒适。) 编辑总结: accommodating一词可以用来形容那些善于顺应他人需求、给予帮助和支持的人或事物。它可以用来描述个人的态度和性格特点,也可以用来描述组织、或文化的特点。它的同义词包括considerate、helpful、accommodative等,但每个词都有自己的用法和含义,需要根据具体情况选择合适的词语。总的来说,accommodating是一种积极向上、善良友善的态度,能够带来和谐和融洽的人际关系。



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