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英 [əˈkɒmədeɪt] 美 [əˈkɑːmədeɪt] 用法:及物动词,主要指提供方便,照顾,容纳等。 1. The hotel can accommodate up to 200 guests. 这家酒店可以容纳200位客人。 2. The school has made special arrangements to accommodate students with disabilities. 学校已经做出特殊安排,以照顾残疾学生。 3. We need to accommodate the needs of our customers in order to keep them satisfied. 为了让顾客满意,我们需要满足他们的需求。 4. The theater was able to accommodate the large audience with its spacious seating. 剧院的宽敞座位可以容纳大量观众。 5. The company has accommodated the changes in the market by adjusting its strategies. 公司通过调整策略来适应市场变化。 同义词及用法: 1. Adapt:适应,改变以适应新情况。:We need to adapt our plans according to the weather forecast. 2. Adjust:调整,改变以适应新情况。:We need to adjust our schedule to fit in more meetings. 3. Cater:迎合,满足需求。:The restaurant caters to different dietary restrictions. 4. Accommodate oneself to:使自己适应。:It took some time for me to accommodate myself to the new environment. 编辑总结: Accommodate是一个非常常用的单词,主要指提供方便,照顾,容纳等。它可以用来描述物品、场所、人们的行为等。在日常生活中,我们经常会用到这个词来表达自己的需求或者适应新情况。除了以上提到的同义词外,还有一些类似的词汇如“facilitate”、“suit”等也可以替换使用。总的来说,熟练掌握accommodate这个词的用法,可以让我们更加流畅地表达自己的意思。



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