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(英音)/ˌæksɪˈdentl/ (美音)/ˌæksɪˈdɛntəl/ 用法:accidental的副词是“accidentally”,意为“偶然地,意外地,无意中”,是形容词“accidental”的副词形式。 例句: 1. He accidentally spilled coffee on his shirt. 他不小心把咖啡洒在了衬衫上。 2. She accidentally deleted all her files. 她无意中删除了所有文件。 3. I accidentally bumped into an old friend at the supermarket. 我在超市里偶然遇到了一位老朋友。 4. The vase was accidentally broken by the cat. 花瓶被猫不小心打破了。 5. They accidentally booked their flights for the wrong date. 他们无意中订错了航班日期。 同义词及用法: 1. By chance 意为“偶然地”,强调的偶然性。:By chance, I found my lost keys in the drawer. 2. Unexpectedly 意为“出乎意料地”,强调的突然性和意外性。:Unexpectedly, it started raining heavily. 3. Unintentionally 意为“无意地”,强调的无心或不经意性。:He unintentionally offended his boss with his comments. 4. Inadvertently 意为“不经意地”,强调的无心或疏忽。:She inadvertently revealed the surprise party plans. 5. Fortuitously 意为“幸运地”,强调的偶然性和幸运性。:Fortuitously, I found a parking spot right in front of the restaurant. 编辑总结: accidental的副词“accidentally”意为“偶然地,意外地,无意中”,用于描述某事发生时不是故意的或出乎意料的情况。它可以与其他表示偶然或意外的副词互换使用,如by chance、unexpectedly等。在写作中,可以根据具体语境选择合适的副词来表达的偶然性和突然性。



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