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[əkˈsesəri] Meaning: An accessory mode is a function that allows you to access additional features or tools that are not available in the standard mode. Usage: The accessory mode is usually activated by pressing a specific button or key combination on your device or computer. Once activated, you can access a range of additional options and settings that are not available in the standard mode. Example Sentences: 1. In accessory mode, you can adjust the brightness and contrast of your screen for better visibility. 在配件模式下,您可以调整屏幕的亮度和对比度,以获得更好的可视性。 2. The camera's accessory mode allows you to take high-quality photos with advanced settings. 相机的配件模式允许您使用高级设置拍摄高质量的照片。 3. To activate the accessory mode, press and hold the "Fn" key while pressing the corresponding function key. 要激活配件模式,请按住“Fn”键,同时按下相应的功能键。 4. The accessory mode on this smartwatch allows you to receive notifications and control music playback. 这款智能手表的配件模式可以让您接收通知并音乐播放。 5. With the car's accessory mode, you can charge your phone and use hands-free calling while driving. 通过汽车的配件模式,您可以在驾驶时给手机充电并使用免提通话功能。 Synonyms and Usage: 1. Additional Mode - This synonym emphasizes the fact that the mode provides extra features or functions. 2. Advanced Mode - This synonym highlights the advanced settings and options available in this mode. 3. Extra Mode - This synonym emphasizes the additional options and tools that can be accessed in this mode. 4. Enhanced Mode - This synonym highlights the improved features and capabilities of this mode. 5. Bonus Mode - This synonym emphasizes the added benefits or bonuses that come with using this mode. Editor's Summary: The accessory mode is a useful feature that allows users to access additional functions and settings on their devices or computers. It is usually activated by pressing a specific button or key combination and provides advanced options for better customization and control. Synonyms such as "additional mode" or "advanced mode" can be used interchangeably to describe this mode.



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