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一:accept是什么意思英语的意思 accept是一个动词,表示“接受”,“同意”,“认可”等含义。 二:怎么读(音标) [əkˈsept] 三:用法 1. 接受,同意:表示接受某物或某种提议。常用结构为accept something/someone。 : - She accepted the job offer without hesitation.(她毫不犹豫地接受了这份工作的邀请。) - The school has accepted a large number of international students this year.(学校今年接收了大量的国际学生。) 2. 认可,赞成:表示认同某种观点或行为。常用结构为accept something/someone as something。 : - I accept him as my friend.(我认可他是我的朋友。) - The committee finally accepted the proposal as a solution to the problem.(最终认可这个提议作为解决问题的方案。) 3. 承担,承诺:表示愿意承担责任或履行义务。常用结构为accept responsibility/obligation。 : - He accepted full responsibility for the accident.(他承担了事故的全部责任。) - The company must accept its obligation to provide a safe working environment for its employees.(公司必须履行提供安全工作环境的义务给员工。) 4. 允许,容忍:表示宽容或允许某种行为。常用结构为accept something/someone doing something。 : - The teacher doesn't accept cheating in exams.(老师不能容忍考试作弊。) - I can't accept you being so rude to your parents.(我不能允许你对父母如此无礼。) 5. 承认,接纳:表示承认某种事实或接受某种现实。常用结构为accept that从句。 : - She finally accepted that she was wrong.(她最终承认自己错了。) - We must accept the fact that we can't change the past.(我们必须接受无法改变过去的事实。) 四:例句1-5句且中英对照 1. He accepted my apology and we became friends again.(他接受了我的道歉,我们重新成为朋友。) 2. The company has accepted the new regulations and will implement them immediately.(公司已经接受了新的规定,并将立即执行。) 3. I don't accept her as my boss, she is too young and inexperienced.(我不接受她作为我的老板,她太年轻而且缺乏经验。) 4. The school accepts international students from all over the world.(学校接收来自世界各地的国际学生。) 5. She couldn't accept that her son had failed the exam again and burst into tears.(她无法接受她儿子再次考试失败,并放声大哭。) 五:同义词及用法 1. receive:表示收到或接收某物,强调动作的结果。 2. agree:表示同意某种观点或提议,强调对事实的认可。 3. approve:表示认可或赞成某种行为或决定,强调对行为的赞同。 4. consent:表示同意或允许某种行为,强调对行为的默许。 5. take on:表示承担责任或接受挑战,强调主动性。 六:编辑总结 accept是一个常用的动词,在日常生活和商务场合中都有广泛的应用。它可以表示接受、认可、赞成、承担、允许等含义,常用于各种场景中。在使用时需要注意搭配和语境,避免歧义。同时,它还有一些近义词可以替换使用,但每个词都有自己特定的语义和用法。因此,在写作时要根据具体情况选择合适的词汇来表达自己想要表达的意思。



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