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一:accept什么意思的意思: accept是一个英语单词,意为“接受”、“同意”、“承认”、“认可”。它可以用作动词和名词。 二:怎么读(音标): [əkˈsept] 三:用法: 1. 作为动词,accept可以表示“接受”某物或某人。: - She accepted the job offer without hesitation.(她毫不犹豫地接受了这份工作的邀请。) - The school only accepts students with excellent academic performance.(这所学校只接受成绩优秀的学生。) 2. accept也可以表示“同意”或“承认”。: - I accept your apology.(我接受你的道歉。) - He finally accepted his mistake.(他最终承认了自己的错误。) 3. 另外,accept还可以表示“认可”或“赞成”。: - The proposal was accepted by all members of the committee.(该提案得到了所有成员的认可。) - The audience accepted her performance with a standing ovation.(观众们通过起立鼓掌来赞赏她的表演。) 4. accept也可以用来表示“容忍”或“忍受”。: - I cannot accept such rude behavior from my students.(我无法容忍我的学生表现出如此粗鲁的行为。) - She couldn't accept the pain and decided to give up.(她无法忍受痛苦,决定放弃。) 5. 作为名词,accept可以指“接受”或“承认”。: - His acceptance of the award was met with cheers and applause.(他接受奖项时受到欢呼和掌声。) - The company's acceptance of the new policy surprised everyone.(公司对新的接受让所有人都感到惊讶。) 四:例句1-5句且中英对照: 1. She finally accepted his proposal and they got married last month. (她最终接受了他的求婚,上个月他们结婚了。) 2. The university only accepts students who have passed the entrance exam. (这所大学只接收通过入学考试的学生。) 3. I cannot accept your decision to quit without trying harder. (我无法接受你轻易放弃而不努力尝试的决定。) 4. He reluctantly accepted the fact that he didn't get the promotion. (他勉强接受了没有得到晋升的事实。) 5. The team's captain accepted full responsibility for their defeat in the final game. (球队队长承担了最后一场比赛失败的全部责任。) 五:同义词及用法: 1. agree:意为“同意”,与accept可互换使用,但agree更多指达成一致。 2. consent:意为“同意”,强调经过考虑后的同意。 3. approve:意为“批准”、“赞成”,强调对某事物的认可。 4. receive:意为“接受”,与accept可互换使用,但receive更多指收到某物。 5. embrace:意为“欣然接受”、“拥抱”,强调积极的态度。 六:编辑总结: accept是一个常用的英语单词,它可以表示“接受”、“同意”、“承认”、“认可”。作为动词时,它有多种用法,可以表示接受某物或某人、同意或承认、赞成或认可、容忍或忍受。作为名词时,它可以指接受或承认。除了与agree和receive可以互换使用外,还有一些近义词如consent、approve和embrace也可以表达类似的含义。熟练掌握accept的用法能够帮助我们更准确地表达自己的想法和态度。



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