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英 [əkˈseptɪd] 美 [əkˈseptɪd] 释义:1.被接受的;被认可的 2.公认的;普遍认可的 用法:accepted作为形容词,表示某种事物或观点是被大多数人所接受或认可的。它可以用来修饰名词,也可以作为谓语动词后面跟that从句。 例句: 1. Her proposal was accepted by the committee. 她的提议得到了的接受。 2. It is generally accepted that exercise is good for our health. 普遍认为运动对我们的健康有益。 3. The new policy has been widely accepted by the public. 新已经被公众广泛接受。 4. The idea of working remotely is becoming more and more accepted in today's society. 在当今社会,远程工作的想法越来越被接受。 5. It is accepted that climate change is a pressing issue that needs to be addressed immediately. 大家都认可气候变化是一个紧迫需要立即解决的问题。 同义词及用法: 1. Approved:表示经过批准或同意后得到接纳。与accepted一样,也可以用来修饰名词或作为谓语动词后面跟that从句。 例句:The project was approved by the board of directors. 董事会批准了这个项目。 2. Recognized:表示被公认或认可。与accepted一样,也可以用来修饰名词或作为谓语动词后面跟that从句。 例句:He is recognized as a leading expert in his field. 他被公认为该领域的顶尖专家。 3. Acknowledged:表示被承认或接纳。与accepted一样,也可以用来修饰名词或作为谓语动词后面跟that从句。 例句:He is acknowledged as one of the most talented artists of his generation. 他被公认为他那一代最有才华的艺术家之一。 4. Embraced:表示被欢迎或接纳。与accepted不同的是,它更强调人们对某种观点或想法的积极态度。 例句:The new technology was quickly embraced by the younger generation. 这项新技术很快被年轻一代所接受。 5. Adopted:表示被采用或接纳。与accepted不同的是,它更强调某种决定或的实施。 例句:The new policy was adopted by the government in order to improve the economy. 采取了这项新以改善经济状况。 编辑总结: Accepted是一个常用的形容词,表示某种事物或观点被大多数人所接受或认可。它可以用来修饰名词,也可以作为谓语动词后面跟that从句。在写作中,我们可以使用其同义词来避免重复使用,同时也要注意上下文的语境来选择合适的词汇。



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