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英 [əkˈseptəns ˈletə(r)] 美 [əkˈseptəns ˈlɛtər] 名词,可数 接受信;录取通知书 用法:acceptanceletter是指一封正式的信函,通知收件人被接受或录取。通常是指被大学、公司或组织录取的通知信。 例句1:I received my acceptance letter from Harvard University last week. 我上周收到了哈佛大学的录取信。 例句2:The company will send out acceptance letters to all the successful candidates next week. 公司将在下周向所有成功的候选人发出录取信。 例句3:She was overjoyed when she received her acceptance letter from her dream university. 当她收到她梦寐以求的大学的录取信时,她非常高兴。 例句4:The acceptance letter stated that the applicant must confirm their enrollment within two weeks. 录取通知书中指出申请者必须在两周内确认入学。 例句5:He was disappointed when he received a rejection letter instead of an acceptance letter from his choice university. 当他收到他头号选择大学发来的拒绝信而不是录取信时,他感到失望。 同义词及用法:admissionletter (n. 录取通知书) 编辑总结:acceptanceletter是指一封正式的信函,通知收件人被接受或录取。它的用途主要是用于大学、公司或组织录取的通知信。同义词为admissionletter,但两者并不完全相同,前者更强调被接受的意思,后者更强调被录取的意思。



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