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英 [əkˈseptəbli] 美 [əkˈsɛptəbli] 释义: adv. 可接受地;令人满意地;适当地 用法: Acceptably作为副词,用来修饰动词或形容词,表示“可接受地”、“令人满意地”、“适当地”。 例句1: 1. The new restaurant is acceptably decorated, and the food is delicious. 这家新餐厅的装修还算可以,食物也很美味。 2. The teacher was satisfied with the student's acceptably performance in the exam. 老师对学生在考试中的表现感到满意。 3. The price of this dress is acceptably cheap, I think I will buy it. 这件衣服的价格很便宜,我想我会买下它。 4. Although the weather was not acceptably warm, we still went for a picnic. 虽然天气不是很温暖,但我们还是去野餐了。 5. The hotel provides acceptably fast Wi-Fi, which is convenient for business travelers. 这家酒店提供的Wi-Fi速度还算快,对商务旅客来说很方便。 同义词及用法: 1. Satisfactorily (adv.) 满意地 例句:He completed his work satisfactorily and received a promotion. 2. Adequately (adv.) 足够地;充分地 例句:The hotel provides adequately spacious rooms for its guests. 3. Decently (adv.) 体面地;得体地 例句:She dressed decently for the job interview. 4. Suitably (adv.) 合适地;适当地 例句:The meeting room was suitably equipped with a projector and screen. 5. Properly (adv.) 正确地;恰当地 例句:Please make sure to dispose of the waste properly. 编辑总结: Acceptably是一个常用的副词,表示某件事情可以被接受或令人满意。它可以用来修饰动词或形容词,常见的同义词有satisfactorily、adequately、decently、suitably和properly。在日常生活中,我们经常会用到acceptably来描述一些事物的水平或程度,餐厅的装修、学生的表现、衣服的价格等。作为一个网络词典编辑翻译人员,我们需要准确理解和使用这个单词,并且能够将其释义清晰地传达给读者。同时,在撰写文章时也要注意符合SEO标准,让读者能够轻松找到并了解想要了解的单词。



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